nedelja, 13. avgust 2017

5 Technology advancements that help with decreasing fat

Hey guys:)
It's 2017 and food can still make you fat, get it together science ;) .. Actually there are many scientific forms of decreasing fat, read below.
The battle against unwanted fats rages on. In spite of many weight loss techniques in the forms of diet, exercise, pills, and surgeries, people still continue to search for alternative weight loss solutions that will help them achieve and maintain their ideal weight. This phenomenon as lead to countless innovations in weight loss technology and is the objective behind today’s most recent technological advancements. Science has, indeed, come a long way to help people live the lives they want with the body they love.
Here are some of the most recent technological advancements that help people shed off their unwanted pounds.

1. Ultrasound Melting
Just approved by the FDA in 2014 and was a popular procedure in Canada for years before that, Ultrasound melting is definitely turning heads. It uses ultrasound to kill fat cells and maintain a good figure. Usually done in 10- 14 separate sessions depending on the amount of fat to be terminated, among all other factors, this procedure claims to decreases waistlines and other areas even during the post- procedure period. 

2. Pills That Mimic Digestion
A new pill is the talk of the town and it claims to help boost metabolism in great levels so the body could absorb, process, and then get rid of the food we eat, even when the person is not actually eating something. The idea behind is that by tricking the body to think that it is consuming something, it will trigger digestion and accelerate fat loss. 

3. Coolsculpting
Does Coolsculpting work? This is the initial reaction of people when they find out that it uses cooling technology to melt fats. Although it sounds weird, people who tried it are saying that it actually works. Coolsculpting is the process by which stubborn fat areas are targeted and frozen and then inducing a natural fat reduction in the cells. This treatment is safe, quick, and non- surgical, which is what most people prefer. 

4. BTL Vanquish Me
An upgraded version of the popular BTL Vanquish, this new treatment also uses high- frequency energy field to target thermal effects into layers of fat. In 4- 6 sessions, it claims to destroy considerable layers of fat. It is a noninvasive technology that ensures fat burning with damaging skin tissues. This is highly popular to many because it is fast, painless, and comfortable for many people.

5. TruScuplt
Highly popular in and outside of the United States, TruSculpt is a procedure that has sparred very well with known fat reduction technologies available. It is a non- surgical, non- invasive procedure that utilizes Radio Frequency (RF) to reduce fat, sculpt and contour the body and remove cellulite. TruSculpt works for all types of skin and is used commonly to target areas like the abdomen, thighs, flanks, and buttocks, among other areas. 

These technologies may be able to provide immediate intervention for fat reduction, but experts still recommend that they must be supplemented and maintained with the right diet and sufficient exercise. Also, please research and get advice from your doctor before doing anything on your own.

Hope you enjoyed today's topic guys :)

9 komentarjev:

  1. These are some great suggestions! I had no idea most of these things existed :)

    TheNotSoGirlyGirl // Instagram // Facebook

  2. Great post dear

    Have a nice day! :)

  3. That's very interesting! Thanks for sharing.


  4. I haven't heard about these technology advancements before, thanks for sharing ;)

  5. Thank you for this tips ! they seem usefull!
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