četrtek, 31. december 2015

Essence "Love.Joy.Care" & "Winter? Wonderful!" LE - First Impressions / Blogmas Day 31

Hey loves, it's new year's eve, so I wish you happy new year!! :)) It's also the last day of my Blogmas, I can't believe I did it. I blogged for the whole month of December :D That's pretty amazing in my book ;) 

Today I'll share my first impressions on two of the Essence products. I picked up one from their latest Love.Joy.Care limited edition and one product is from the Winter? Wonderful! LE, and they're both still available in the stores, so you can still buy them.

The first product I actually ordered on Click2chic.si because I ordered some other products, it is from the Love.Joy.Care limited edition. This LE didn't really convince me at first, but then I decided to buy the smoothing cuticle &  nail care oil because my cuticles were really bad this month.

It's basically oil with vitamin E, avocado & soya oil that moisturizes your cuticles and supposedly helps to grow your nails. Let me tell you, it smells really amazing :) 

It doesn't leave a sticky residue and it really moisturized my cuticles. It also made my nails super shiny, so that's a plus! :) Can't say about the growth yet, because obviously I haven't used it enough to judge ;)

The second product I got is the crystal lip balm from the Winter? Wonderful! limited edition. This LE also didn't appeal to me really. When I saw the preview I wasn't really excited for anything, but than I saw this pretty lip balm in the store, and had to get it :D the glitter attracts me, what can I say :P

It has A LOT of little glitter particles, which don't really show up on the lips, which is a shame, because I bought it because of that. 

It has a scent, which is quite strong, to me it smells really weird, it reminds me of some kind of plastic. Also, it does have an extremely disgusting taste, very weird. I wouldn't recommend this product really, there are much better lip balms on the market.

Let me know your opinion, if you have tried this two products, I'd especially like to hear opinion about the lip balm, I don't know if I got a bad one or what...


ponedeljek, 28. december 2015

REVIEW: Avon Naturals Carrot & Sunflower Face Mask / Blogmas Day 28

Hey guys :)

Today I'll write about the Avon Naturals Carrot & Sunflower face mask. I think they discontinued this product, however you can still find it sometimes in the outlet and it's always on a great deal, so I decided to write a review for anyone that may want to buy it.

They claim this mask moisturizes your skin, gives it energy and shine. The face mask comes in tube, you get 75 ml of product and I think I paid around 1,50€ for it.

The packaging itself is very simple, it doesn't look cheap neither luxurious. You can easily control the amount of product that you squeeze from the tube.

The texture is medium thick and it has a white colour and a slight smell, which doesn't bother me, but may some people. You have to apply it on your face and than wait for 5-20 minutes before washing it off.

It certainly doesn't work miracles but it is a solid product when you take into account the ratio of quantity/cost. I do have oily skin, however I have dry spots and I think this really helps moisturizing. My face looks more radiant and less tired after using it.

Let me know if you tried this product and how it works for you ;)


sobota, 26. december 2015

First Impressions: BH Cosmetics California Makeup Palette Collection / Blogmas Day 26

Hey loves :)

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas ;) Today's post is all about the first impressions on the Bh Cosmetics California Makeup Palette Collection - I bought myself the Malibu palette :) It's such a beautiful ,colourful palette and that's why it sold me.

Let me tell you, I was looking for swatches before I bought it and it appeared so much bigger on the photos I saw, then it actually is :D I was quite surprised, because it's so small (it's about as big as A3 format :D), no worries however, since it's suppose to be travel friendly and that for sure is.

You get 16 eyeshadows and 4 face powders.

The packaging is phenomenal, it's extremely beautiful :D Plus you get a mirror in it also.

There are 8 shadows on each of the side, so 16 in total. 6 of them are matte and the other are shimmery.

As I said it also includes 4 highlighting/bronzing powders, which are enormous comparing to the shadows :D

To conclude, I'm really pleased I decided to buy it, since it is quite a unique palette. The shadows perform nicely, some however do have to be build to achieve the colour you'd like, this mostly happens with the matte ones. All in all, it's a wonderful, travel friendly, eye-pleasing palette for about 14€, but Slovenian readers, you can get it currently on Click2chic for 7,48€, which is a bargain!


petek, 25. december 2015

Merry Christmas - giveaway ;) / Blogmas Day 25

Hey guys! :)

Merry Christmas to everyone, hope you had/will (depending on when you're reading this haha:D) have a great one :))

Santa actually left something for one of you, the giveaway is open Internatonally, the only rule is that you have to be my follower :) you can get an additional entry by following me on Instagram @confessionsofamakeupshopaholic, but it is optional.

What you'll get:

- Depend Mini Shiny Nail Polish - Nr. 183
- Depend Mini Pink Nail Polish - Nr. 028
- Jordana Matte Lipstick - 60 Plum Obsession

The prize isn't that big, but I think it's the thought that counts, right? ;) So I wish everyone good luck and the giveaway ends on the 1st of January :)


četrtek, 24. december 2015

First Impressions: Avon Advance Techniques Moroccan Argan Oil Hair Mask / Blogmas Day 24

Hey loves :)

Today's post is all about the first impressions on the Avon's advance techniques 360 Nourishment Moroccan Argan Oil Hair mask.. what a long name, right :P

I haven't used it properly so I could do a full review, that's why only the first impressions. They claim this intensive mask leaves hair revitalised, feeling stronger and nourished from root to tip. You get 150 ml for around 5€, price varies in different catalogues.

I think this product is quite expensive, considering that you only get 150 ml. They also claim it's good for all hair types, which always makes me sick when I read/hear that, because honestly, that's not how it goes :D 

I have greasy hair very quickly and this didn't help :D which honestly, isn't a surprise since it is an argan oil hair treatment and would probably work best for dry/damaged hair. 

However my hair did feel soft after using this and more shiny. So I think it would be very good for dry hair, it just isn't for "all hair types", like they claim it is :D

Btw, stay tuned, I have something interesting planned for tomorrow :P


sreda, 23. december 2015

Marriage Equality ali Zakaj sem volila PROTI

Hello everyone :)

Today's post will be written in Slovenian for the first time, so for any of you that don't understand Slovenian, please use the Translate bar on the bottom of my page, thank you.


že v naprej se opravičujem istospolno usmerjenim bralkam/bralcem, kolegom/kolegicam in ostalim, ker popolnoma nič nimam proti Vam in mi je vseeno, kdo ima koga rad, le, da se imamo radi :) 

Torej, zadeve okrog referenduma glede Zakona o zakonski zvezi in družinskih razmerjih nisem imela namena komentirati nikjer, še najmanj pa na blogu, ki vsekakor temu ni namenjen. Čemu torej objava? 
Totalno sem zgrožena nad odnosom vseh drugače mislečih - torej "tabora ZA", na Facebooku berem same kritike, grožnje, kletvice in vse drugo kar paše zraven proti ljudem, ki mislimo drugače. Ne želite diskriminacije, pa jo sami povzročate s tem, da diskriminirate nasprotno misleče ljudi. Ste v nasprotju s samim seboj. Svoboda govora še vedno velja.

Pa dovolj o tem, ampak se vračam na dejansko temo, torej na temo, zakaj neki sem volila proti?

Moje mnenje je, da je zakon v osnovi napačno zasnovan, če bi se na referendumu odločalo samo in edino o tem, da bi imele istospolne partnerske skupnosti enake pravice, bi definitivno glasovala za in menim, da tudi več drugih, ki so sedaj glasovali proti.

Totalno zgrešeno pa mi je dejstvo, da bi sprememba zakona povzročila spremembo tudi v izobraževanju in sicer: 

- vzgojitelji in učitelji v izobraževalnih ustanovah bi morali otroke obveščati o tem, da ni pomembno, ali se na svet rodiš kot deček ali deklica, ampak si spol lahko izbereš sam  (kar se mimogrede v naših šolah že dogaja in tudi drugje po svetu, v Ameriki otroke nazivajo s "Purple penguins" češ, da je naziv nevtralen -> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2787443/Politically-correct-Nebraska-school-district-gets-gender-inclusive-tells-teachers-purple-penguins-preferable-phrase-girls-boys-referring-students.html ravno tako na Švedskem in v ostalih državah, ki so zakonodajo sprejele že pred leti, v šolah uvajajo t.i. teorijo spola, kjer učence pri pouku vzpodbujajo, da se preoblačijo v oblačila nasprotnega spola ter eksperimentirajo s svojo spolno usmerjenostjo

- starši ne bi smeli nasprotovati temu, kako bodo o spolnosti in spolni usmerjenosti njihove otroke poučevali v šoli

Spremembe novele Zakona na prvi pogled formalno niso bile tako obsežne, vsebinsko pa bi prinesle revolucijo na področje družinskih razmer. Velika  nevarnost, ki sem ji in ji bom vedno nasprotovala je uvajanje teorije spola v našo družbo, ki na žalost ne ostaja samo pri ideji, ampak se izvaja v državah, ki so navedeno zakonodajo sprejele.

Da povzamem: navedeno sem napisala zgolj in samo zaradi tega, ker so mi pripadniki "tabora za" vsiljevali svoje mnenje, svojega pa ne morem izraziti, ker me skritizirajo oz. berem same kletvice, češ kako je Slovenija še vedno v srednjem veku. Poglejte dejstva, preučite teorijo spola in potem povejte svoje mnenje. Še enkrat pa povdarjam, da nimam nič proti istospolnim osebam.

Peace out :)

And for any other people reading this, please don't think that because the marriage equality law wasn't accepted in Slovenia, Slovenia is homophobic, because it is a deeper problem. (if you want to know more, please use the translate bar on the bottom of my page to translate it to your language!)